
Run 🤗 Transformers in your browser!


Play around with some of these models:

    Max length
    No. beams
    No. samples
    Top K




    • Clicking Generate for the first time will download the corresponding model from the HuggingFace Hub. All subsequent requests will use the cached model.
    • For more information about the different parameters, check out HuggingFace's guide to text generation.

    Quick tour

    To install via NPM, run:
    npm i @xenova/transformers
    Alternatively, you can use it in vanilla JS, without any bundler, by using a CDN or static hosting. For example, using ES Modules, you can import the library with:
    <script type="module">
        import { pipeline } from '';
    Basic example
    It's super easy to translate from existing code!
    from transformers import pipeline
    # Allocate a pipeline for sentiment-analysis
    pipe = pipeline('sentiment-analysis')
    out = pipe('I love transformers!')
    # [{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.999806941}]

    Python (original)

    import { pipeline } from '@xenova/transformers';
    // Allocate a pipeline for sentiment-analysis
    let pipe = await pipeline('sentiment-analysis');
    let out = await pipe('I love transformers!');
    // [{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.999817686}]

    JavaScript (ours)

    In the same way as the Python library, you can use a different model by providing its name as the second argument to the pipeline function. For example:
    // Use a different model for sentiment-analysis
    let pipe = await pipeline('sentiment-analysis', 'nlptown/bert-base-multilingual-uncased-sentiment');

    For the full list of available tasks and architectures, check out the documentation.